Category Archives: War Makers
An old Christianity that is not Christ
Christians need to become aware of the ways in which the authority of the Bible over the centuries has influenced the expansion of diverse cultic quasi religious organisations, connected intimately with mainstream Christianity, that are obsessed with the lust of
Presidential Prayer Team
21st August 2010 The top commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan said Monday that Taliban momentum has been reversed in areas that had been its stronghold. General David Petraeus also said that US forces would not begin an
Iraq Body Count
It is likely, though not proven, that over 100,000 civilians have died as a direct result of conflict in Iraq since the illegal invasion by Western Forces in 2003. Various statistical analysts argue over the precise number but in terms
The correct word for war – defence
The gradual introduction of new speak into the lexicon of war narratives, of using the word ‘defence’ instead of ‘war office’, as a title for a national militia for example, is a post modern phenomenon. Like most post modern sciences