
Welcome to a site that explores the crisis of human identity. Christ (Image of Person/God) versus Bible (Other images of Person/God)

People have searched for God well before the age of cuneiform and hieroglyphics. Across the globe we have conflicting images of God.

A common perception through the ages has been that only the elite, the specially chosen, qualify to be ‘in league’ with God. Another common perception is that only the descendants of Abraham belong to God, the rest are kafir ‘outside the faith of both Jew and Moslem’. It is a perception carried today by many types of egotistical monsters in power who award themselves an array of titles to suggest heavenly proximity, superiority of rank and a God-given right to rule over others.

Along comes Jesus Christ and attacks this imagined superiority of rank. No wonder he was hated, and still is, by those who make meaning out of images they create for themselves that promote their identity above others based on a relationship with the divine. Jesus trashed these man-made images of identity and superiority when he said, ‘No-one comes to God except through me’. When one explores who the ‘me’ is in the story and how ‘God’ was portrayed by those around him it becomes clear why he also said the door is narrow that leads to eternal life. Who wants to study a man despised by a self worshipping world.

The roots of human identity, and therefore purpose, is based entirely on fantasy, an imagined reality. People imagine they are great, superior, a cut above the rest, either as individuals, or as a class, or as a nation. This arrogance of status puts into perpetual motion the revolving doors of economic conflict, of social exclusion, of transitory human value and of epic blood baths.

Here’s an example of this arrogance written by a doyen of the British Establishment.

“I contend that we are the finest race in the world and the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable of human beings; what an alteration there would be in them if they were brought under Anglo Saxon influence.. Added to which the absorption of the greater portion of the world under our rule simply means the end of all wars.” – Cecil Rhodes (1853 – 1902)

A university scholarship was named after him.